Port Operations, Marine Protection, Safety and Security Committee
- To keep abreast and advise members on matters relating to cargo and waterfront operations in regard to planning and development;
- To harmonize data collection methods to establish operational indicators;
- Examine and review port efficiency of the member ports;
- Suggest studies for improvement of port performance;
- Assist PMAESA members in drafting corporate plans;
- Review standard port operating equipment used in Ports and advise members;
- Develop a statistical data base;
- Building HR capacity for port management;
- Application of IT pertaining to Port Operations;
- Analyze and provide draft position on Maritime and Safety matters to be placed on the Agenda for International Organizations such as International Maritime Organization and ILO etc;
- Develop a Green Port initiative and Programme;
- Provide information on Port and corridor environmental matters;
- Review for implementation purposes port related aspects of existing and proposed international standards and recommended practices of the IMO in respect to maritime safety, Aids to navigation, search and rescue, and hydrography.
- Liaise with IMO in implementation of Flag state and Port State Control in the PMAESA region.
Finance Committee
- Monitor the financial status of the Association on a regular basis to ensure sustainability of the Secretariat and its long term self-sufficiency.
- Consideration of the Secretariat budget for presentation to the Board of Directors.
- Review the draft budget and all financial reports (budget implementation, annual audit report, budget amendment, etc) of the Association and make recommendations to the Board.
- Review and make recommendations on the rates of annual dues, fees and all other financial contributions payable to the Association.
- Research and make proposals on the ways and means to diversify the sources of revenue and increase the income of the Association.
- Review and recommend changes to the Human Resource Policy, Rules and Regulations
- Consideration of Annual Audited Account and Report.
- Study and make recommendations on all financial matters, accounting procedures, and financial data for the use of the Association and its members.
- Study and make recommendations on the maximum salary levels and allowances for staff of the Secretariat taking into account the financial situation of the Association.
Legal Affairs, Constitution and Membership Committee
- Review Constitution and examine proposals for amendments, rules and Procedures and recommend where appropriate. And to ensure that a democratic spirit is reflected in all aspects.
- Harmonize PMAESA Constitution with those of other sub-regional Port Management Associations.
- Initiate, follow up and recommend proposed action to be taken on behalf of PMAESA on any issues in which the collective interest of the members are brought into question from a legal point of view.
- Follow up and intervene if need be, in collaboration of International scope which give rise to production of legal instruments relevant to PMAESA.
- Identify possible new members.
- Review relationship with various types of members.
- Provide expert legal advice to the Secretariat.
- Study and make recommendations on all matters of administrative and legal nature affecting ports.
- Drafting of motions, recommendations and resolutions of the Council meeting and meetings of the subsidiary organs.
Communications Committee
- Monitor and facilitate Association’s Communication issues such as production of Our Ports magazine and the e-Newsletter.
- Facilitate the movement of editorial and advertorial material for publication to the Secretariat.
- Assist the Secretariat in improving dissemination of information of the Association activities.
- Identifying potential advertisers and sponsors as the main sources of revenue for publications which contribute to the Secretariat’s sustainability.