Bidfreight Port Operations

Bidfreight Port Operations (BPO) was formed in 2004 as a result of the merger of two of South Africa’s leading portside companies, Rennies Cargo Terminals and South African Stevedores.

BPO is one of the largest providers of in-port logistics in South Africa with operations in every commercial cargo port in South Africa. It is a member of Bidvest Group Limited and forms part of the Bidvest Freight division. Areas of expertise include warehousing, stevedoring, transportation and terminal operating services.


    • Stevedoring
    • Bulk handling
    • Warehousing
    • Long distance and cross border transport
    • Ship’s agency and Clearing & Forwarding services

Executive Managing Director: Mr Jannie Roux


1st Floor, Millweed House,
169 – 175 Maydon Road,
Maydon Wharf,
Durban, 4001, KwaZulu Natal,
South Africa

Tel: +27 (0)31 274 2400
Fax: +27 (0)31 205 4116

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