Marine Crew Services

Marine Crew Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd (MCS) was established in 2003 to develop and place South African seafarers with international shipping companies and ship management companies. It is a privately-owned company with ISO 9001 accreditation.

MCS focuses on the training and crew manning of world-class seafarers for the South African and international maritime industry. The company provides a broad range of services from seafarer training to crew management.

MSC is located in the Cape Town central business district are also in close proximity to top-class marine training institutions, the Cape Town harbour, an international airport, as well as road and train transport services.

Contact Person:

Daniel M Ngubane MICS
Marine Crew Services South Africa / Marine Bulk Carriers South Africa(pty)Ltd
8th Floor, No 2 Long Street
Cape Town,8001, South Africa
Tel: + 27 21 421 3524
Fax: + 27 21 421 3513

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