
At present the Association’s members fall into 4 different categories as summarized below.

Prospective members who wish to apply should ideally come from the following member states: Angola, Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia, South Sudan and Zimbabwe.

However do to the global nature of trade and logistics it is seen necessary to cooperate with organizations from outside of the African continent. In light of this, PMAESA has endeavoured to encourage membership from outside Africa.

  • Full Members: Includes National Port or Harbour Authorities within the territories of the states of Eastern and Southern Africa or their Government Line Ministries, where there is no National Port or Harbour Authority.
  • Associate Members: Organizations, undertaking or association that are connected with or ancillary to the port industry and include but are not be limited to, customs authorities, clearing & forwarding agencies, shipping companies or agencies, cargo handling companies, railways authorities, road transporters, manufacturers of cargo handling equipment, importers and exporters.
  • Individual Members: Persons in their private capacities that are interested in any aspect(s) of port operations.
  • Honorary Members: Individuals whom the Association shall recognize for their outstanding contribution to the Association and the maritime industry.