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The IAPH-WPSP Port Economic Impact Barometer One Year Report has been launched.
This survey-based analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on ports in the period April 2020 to April 2021 is the only report of its kind to truly reflect what has actually happened at these global cargo and passenger maritime hubs since the global outbreak of the pandemic in early 2020.
Commencing as an initial weekly report made external following its presentation and discussion on indicative trends at the regularly convened IAPH-WPSP COVID-19 Taskforce, the Port Economic Impact Barometer report was released seventeen times including this edition by co-authors Professors Theo Notteboom and Thanos Pallis, with responses provided by world ports each time to a number of key indicators being analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively.
From July 2020 onwards, one extra question was added to each edition up until this report on a variety of key issues, some of which were repeated more than once to benefit from comparisons over time. In addition, when appropriate, the authors conducted regional analyses of the data for each of the subjects, with results shared in this one-year report.
The IAPH Risk and Resilience Technical Committee was formed out of the initial COVID-19 Taskforce and has set itself the target of developing a global port tracker which will allow IAPH member ports to gauge their level of resilience to future crises as well as providing the rest of the maritime industry with leading indicators on two key port measurements – efficiency and ability to maintain their license and ability operate when the next crisis hits.
During the circulation and data gathering exercise, the PMAESA Secretariat co-operated with IAPH in circulating the survey to its members in Eastern & Southern Africa and Western Indian Ocean Islands.
The full report can be downloaded here: https://sustainableworldports.org/wp-content/uploads/IAPH-WPSP-Port-Economic-Impact-Barometer-20-21-View.pdf
Source: IAPH Insider – 27 May 2021