Sonny Payet appointed CEO of Seychelles Ports Authority

CEO, Seychelles Ports Authority and 1st Vice Chairman, Port Management Association for Eastern & Southern Africa (PMAESA)

The Ministry of Transport, Seychelles has announced the appointment of Mr Sonny Payet as the chief executive (CEO) of the Seychelles Ports Authority (SPA) effective July 1, 2022 for a mandate of three years.

The appointment was made by President Wavel Ramkalawan upon recommendation from the Ministry of Transport and the agreement of SPA’s board of directors.

Mr Payet is a qualified civil engineer from Anse Aux Pins, with lengthy experience in construction, projects, and port matters.

He will be replacing the outgoing CEO, Ronny Brutus, whom the Minister for Transport, Antony Derjacques, has personally thanked for his contribution over the past few years.

With this appointment, Mr Payet becomes the 1st Vice Chairman of the PMAESA Board of Directors.

PMAESA Secretary General Col. Andre Ciseau sent a message of congratulations to Mr Payet and looked forward to working with him in the near future.

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